Here’s what happened in May!

Two crested geckos (Chicken and Goose), a Hermann’s tortoise (Bowser), and two guinea pigs (Cookie and Cream) were surrendered by their owners to join our other residents.

One special new face is Bentley, a North American raccoon. Bentley and his littermate Diesel (who sadly did not make it) were rescued as orphans, clearly too young to be on their own. One was dangerously close to traffic and the other kept falling in the river. Raccoons are tricky to deal with because they are illegal and invasive, so Mina consulted with the local police, animal control, City Hall, the Ministry of the Environment, the Natural Environment Bureau, Wildlife Division, and Alien Species Control. Bentley’s future is uncertain, the local authorities will decide if he should be released back into the wild or neutered and given a large enclosure to live in at AnimO. If you see an abandoned baby raccoon or any other wild animal in Japan, contact AnimO for direction. Japan has severe penalties for interfering with wildlife, including heavy fines or even jail time.

SIX dogs (and one cat, formerly being fostered) were adopted in May! They only made brief stops at AnimO between their original location and their forever homes. Many more dogs are available for adoption as well – a lot are still in the original locations, a few are at AnimO, and a few are in foster homes. Photos and names of several dogs can be found here:

AnimO got a shoutout from Asia For Animals on their May 24 post celebrating International Turtle Day (! We are grateful for all of AfA’s support in connecting Mina with animal experts all around Asia and the world to help AnimO staff continue to give the best care possible to all residents.
Thank you to everyone on the Patreon, as well as everyone else that sent or brought packages of supplies. Every single donation is appreciated!
If you know someone who wants to support AnimO, or if you want to help more, there are lots of ways!