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May 2023 Summary

Kim Reynolds

Here’s what happened in May!

It’s baby season, so I’ve been posting more on Facebook about the importance of contacting rescues organizations and rehabilitators if you find a baby animal or bird. So many people think it’s easy and end up making a mistake they don’t even know they’re making and it’s the animal (and the ecosystem) that suffers for it.

In May, AnimO took in a pigeon, a dove, a crow, and a kitten. The kitten was an exception to the “no cats” rule due to extenuating circumstances and will be brought to a place with more cat resources as soon as possible. The birds are all doing well!

AnimO also hosted two students who were working on animal welfare related projects, and they were exceptional. There are a lot of rules to keep everyone safe at the sanctuary, and they followed all of them. They behaved perfectly and didn’t un-train the dogs like so many other people have been doing lately. It also worked out for them to have the experience of releasing the rehabbed dove.

A new resident is Digit, a tegu who was kept in conditions poor enough that he had trouble shedding. This cut off circulation in his toes and caused him to lose a lot of them.

Luna’s sisters have been rescued, also showing signs of hoarding-style neglect but not quite as bad, and Luna has had the surgeries she desperately needed. She’s been spayed and almost half her teeth were removed because they were in such bad condition. Some teeth fell out on their own before the surgery and she might have an infection, so she’s still in pretty rough shape, but she’s much happier now!

Thank you to everyone on my Patreon, as well as everyone else that sent or brought packages of supplies. Every single donation is appreciated!

If you know someone who wants to support AnimO, or if you want to help more, there are lots of ways!

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