Here’s what happened in March!
We had a surprise visit from city officials (police and animal control) and it went GREAT! They were impressed at the organizational improvements we’ve been making.
A reporter from NHK also visited and has some exciting ideas about how to get the good word out about AnimO. We’ll give updates when we can!

In wildlife news, a grey heron was taken in after being hit by a car or attacked by a predator (possibly both). The rescuer named the heron Lady Luck. She gained some strength at AnimO for a few days and then was taken to a vet specializing in wild birds. A generous AnimO follower built an aviary in a beautiful rural area and agreed to host Lady Luck until she was strong enough to be released. Unfortunately, while she was still with the wildlife vet she took a turn for the worse and passed away. Please drive carefully out there.

AnimO welcomed some reptiles from a pet store that were deemed unsellable, 2 tortoises and 2 monitor lizards. Also a hawk we’re calling Quinn. We are in the process of building a proper mews for Quinn.

We also welcomed 4 pigs showing signs of serious neglect (severely overgrown hooves and tusks). Meet Brittany Squeals, Ham Solo, Barbie Q, and Hammibal Lector! We are accepting inquiries to foster pigs, but they must go in pairs. Pigs are herd animals and they do better with company. We will need to save up for getting them neutered, so if you have any extra to spare, please donate!

We are also temporarily housing one new large dog (Lolli) that needs a home, and one other is currently in foster care (Bobby). One Shiba came to the sanctuary but only stayed briefly before going to his forever home (Fox). A second Shiba was also adopted this month (Kuririn).

There are new videos up on YouTube! Don’t forget to subscribe so you can see these videos as they are put up.
Becoming One With The Emus:
How to fix potty mouth for parrots.:
Thank you to everyone on the Patreon, as well as everyone else that sent or brought packages of supplies. Every single donation is appreciated!
If you know someone who wants to support AnimO, or if you want to help more, there are lots of ways!